Wednesday, January 7, 2009

tubeless wonder

I am trying to negotiate this recovery period as deftly as possible. I am up and writing, which is a good sign. Writing always makes me feel a bit more alive so I am counting on that. I would have written sooner but whatever pain medication they had me on was causing some pretty strange hallucinations – there were the three dancing little pigs and these worms with barracuda teeth – and also I was having a hard time spelling and choosing words correctly. This is a very big reason why I do not do drugs.

I feel the sudden urge to get a little rest but I did want to tell you about the piggies so I have accomplished that today at least.


Beth Brawley Taylor said...

I generally see dogs and monkeys when I hallucinate, but pigs and worms are equally entertaining. Praying for a speedy recovery in every sense of the word.

Eddie Taylor said...

Praying for you. I don't usually hallucinate...after reading your blog, I wish I did.

Erica said...

I dreamed about a little pig with a deformed leg last night. Just thought I'd share the strange spaces of my brain, too.

I don't like the sound of scary barracuda worms, but I wouldn't have minded seeing dancing piggies. I would very much like a miniature pig for my birthday, but John says our landlady won't go for it.

I hope that you are feeling better soon. John and I are thinking of you. God's peace.