Saturday, May 10, 2008

Time for me to write again in what seems to be a monthly ritual at this point. If only I could somehow convince myself to eat chocolate at such a frequency! Today, in honor of Mother’s Day, I have jotted down some random thoughts about my life as a mom and a time that can simply be referred to as “before.” Enjoy!

Before I was a mom, I never really understood the sheer bliss or needfulness of a long, hot bath.

Before I was a mom, I could make it through a Halmark commercial without even thinking of crying.

Before I was a mom, I thought mothers who let their children wear brown shirts, red shorts, yellow rubber boots and winter gloves in public were in desperate need of parenting classes.

Before I was a mom, I never had heated discussions with Shaun about nap times, childhood nutrition, or immunizations.

Before I was a mom, I didn’t hide the fact that I was drinking Coke by pouring it in to a dark-colored plastic cup while turning my back so that the whole ridiculous act couldn’t be witnessed by anyone. (That’s right. We don’t let Seth drink Coke - maybe when he’s ten).

Before I was a mom, I slept soundly all night long without interruption.

Before I was a mom, I didn’t know anything about playgroups during which the topic inevitably turns to, you guessed it, nap times, childhood nutrition or immunizations.

Before I was a mom, I never really changed dirty diapers. In fact, I can only remember doing that once. I found out later that I put the diaper on backwards. For some reason, those people never called me back to babysit their kid.

Before I was a mom, I kept cleaning solutions containing chemicals that are harmful if swallowed in convenient, unlocked locations.

Before I was a mom, my face never beamed when I heard the word “I wuv ou.”

Before I was a mom, I never blew bubbles just for fun.

Before I was a mom, I never felt the joy of watching a wiggly little lamb steal the show by rolling down the steps multiple times in the middle of the Christmas pageant.

Before I was a mom, I never ran from room to room with a large foam sword yelling “PIRATES!” at the top of my lungs just because someone asked me to.

Before I was a mom, I couldn’t understand the wonder finger paint.

Before I was a mom, I could never fully appreciate the sacrifices my own mother made for me.

Before I was a mom, I didn’t make up silly songs about stinky feet, elephants, the three little pigs, or some combination of the three.

Before I was a mom, I never experienced the amazement of gazing into a little face and finding a little bit of myself looking right back at me.

Before I was a mom, I never snuck into anyone’s room and sat down quietly by their bed, just to watch him sleep.

Before I was a mom, I never knew what I was missing.

Here’s wishing you (and your Mom) a wonderful Mother’s Day.