Friday, December 19, 2008

foolish anticipation

Soon, very soon, I will be making a complete fool of myself at our church Christmas party. I do not think I can adequately express just how much I am looking forward to this. Part of it has to do with the fact that I dreamed up this skit (a silly version of Dancing with the Stars) and just want to see it through to completion, that is the obsessive “artist” in me. I place “artist” in quotes because this parody will not resemble art; however, my brain is mush and I cannot think of a more appropriate word. But mostly I think my eagerness stems from the fact that I spend 364 days of each year trying rather desperately not to make a fool of myself. Tomorrow I will have official permission from myself to be completely ridiculous. I should do that more often.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Well, I hope you have a wonderful time being silly. I only wish I could be there to witness it...