Friday, October 31, 2008


The matter of politics is presently unavoidable. It is crowding my mail box, flooding the internet, and blocking the scenery as I drive about town. I find myself wishing desperately for November 5th when all of those signs start to disappear. I’ve looked forward to that day since May when the first signs started popping up. Let me be clear – I vote. I’ve always voted. I will continue to vote because I greatly cherish this right. My frustration is not with the electoral process; it is with the political machine and its abrasive grinding gears -the network analysis and the crazy emails and the phone calls and the talking heads. Quite simply, I do not need their voices to help me make up my mind.

1 comment:

Erica said...

I am ready for it to be over, too. I feel pretty passionately about this election, but it is so tiring.

Mostly I am sick to death of all the blogs and facebook notes that are such thinly-veiled promotions of one's own political choice. I mean, seriously, if someone wants to tell everyone to vote for McCain and to shun Obama, then they should just say it straightforwardly --why try to wrap it up for politeness' sake? It's just so hypocritical.